Analogy General Presentation
Analogy is a free software project included in Xenomai which tries to
provides management facilities for data acquisition devices in real
By data acquisition, we mean:
* reading / writing analog signals
* reading / writing digital I/Os
* counting pulses and frequencies
* generating pulses
By real-time, we mean:
* Generally speaking: ensuring the various I/Os can be acquired and
triggered in bounded delays
* “Softwarely” speaking: providing a fixed determinism at any software
layers (kernel drivers, user space applications).
Analogy is a fork of the Comedi project. Comedi is a DAQ framework
originally developed by David Schleef. His goal was "to put a generic
interface on top of lots of different cards for measurement and control
purposes". Comedi is mainly used with vanilla Linux and with RTAI.
Analogy relies on the Real Time Driver Model, which is "an approach to
unify the interfaces for developing device drivers and associated
application under Linux". So, thanks to RTDM, implemented in Xenomai in
a skin, the Analogy framework benefits from real-time determinism in
both user and kernel spaces. That means that a Xenomai real-time task
based on any skin (native, POSIX, etc.) can use Analogy without leaving
the primary mode (hard real time constraints)
*Note*: we have quoted many parts of the comedilib documentation in this
DAQ related knowledge
Device Hierarchy
Analogy organizes all hardware according to the following generic
* Channel: the lowest-level hardware component, that represents the
properties of one single data channel; for example, an analog input, or
a digital output. Each channel has several parameters, such as: the
voltage range; the reference voltage; the channel polarity (unipolar,
bipolar); a conversion factor between voltages and physical units; the
binary values "0" and "1"; etc.
* Sub-device: a set of functionally identical channels that are
physically implemented on the same (chip on an) interface card. For
example, a set of 16 identical analog outputs. Each sub-device has
parameters for: the number of channel and the type of the channels.
* Device: a set of sub-devices that are physically implemented on the
same interface card; in other words, the interface card itself. For
example, the National Instruments 6024E device has a sub-device with 16
analog input channels, another sub-device with two analog output
channels, and a third sub-device with eight digital inputs/outputs. Each
device has parameters for: the device identification tag from the
manufacturer, the identification tag given by the operating system (in
order to discriminate between multiple interface cards of the same
type), the number of sub-devices, etc.
Some interface cards have extra components that don't fit in the
above-mentioned classification, such as an EEPROM to store configuration
and board parameters, or calibration inputs. These special components
are also classified as "sub-devices" in Analogy.
Acquisition terminology
This Section introduces the terminology that this document uses when
talking about "acquisitions." Figure 1 depicts a typical acquisition
* The sequence has a start and an end. At both sides, the software and
the hardware need some finite initialization or settling time.
* The sequence consists of a number of identically repeated scans. This
is where the actual data acquisitions are taking place: data is read
from the card, or written to it. Each scan also has a begin, an end, and
a finite setup time. Possibly, there is also a settling time ("scan
delay") at the end of a scan. So, the hardware puts a lower boundary
(the scan interval) on the minimum time needed to complete a full scan.
* Each scan contains one or more conversions on particular channels,
i.e., the AD/DA converter is activated on each of the programmed
channels, and produces a sample, again in a finite conversion time,
starting from the moment in time called the sample time in Figure 1
(sometimes also called the "timestamp"), and caused by a triggering
event, called convert. In addition, each hardware has limits on the
minimum conversion interval it can achieve, i.e., the minimum time it
needs between subsequent conversions. Some hardware must multiplex the
conversions onto one single AD/DA hardware, such that the conversions
are done serially in time (as shown on the Figure); other cards have the
hardware to do two or more acquisitions in parallel. The begin of each
conversion is "triggered" by some internally or externally generated
pulse, e.g., a timer.
In general, not only the begin of a conversion is triggered, but also
the begin of a scan and of a sequence. Analogy provides the API to
configure what triggering source one wants to use in each case. The API
also allows to specify the channel list, i.e., the sequence of channels
that needs to be acquired during each scan.
*TODO*: import the figure
DAQ functions
The basic data acquisition functionalities that Analogy offers work on
channels, or sets of channels.
Single acquisition
Analogy has function calls to synchronously perform one single data
acquisition on a specified channel: a4l_synch_read(), a4l_synch_write().
"Synchronous" means that the calling process blocks until the data
acquisition has finished.
An a4l_do_insn() instruction performs (possibly multiple) data
acquisitions on a specified channel, in a synchronous way. So, the
function call blocks until the whole acquisition has finished. In
addition, a4l_do_insnlist() executes a list of instructions (on
different channels) in one single (blocking, synchronous) call, such
that the overhead involved in configuring each individual acquisition is
A scan is an acquisition on a set of different channels, with a
specified sequence and timing. Scans are not directly available as
stand-alone function calls in the Analogy API. They are the internal
building blocks of an Analogy command (see below).
A command is sequence of scans, for which conditions have been specified
that determine when the acquisition will start and stop. A a4l_command()
function call generates aynchronous data acquisition: as soon as the
command information has been filled in, the a4l_command() function call
returns, the hardware of the card takes care of the sequencing and the
timing of the data acquisition, and makes sure that the acquired data is
delivered in a software buffer provided by the calling process.
Asynchronous operation requires some form of "callback" functionality to
prevent buffer overflow: after the calling process has launched the
acquisition command, it goes off doing other things, but not after it
has configured the "handler" that the interface card can use when it
needs to put data in the calling process's buffer. Interrupt routines or
DMA are typical techniques to allow such asynchronous operation. Their
handlers are configured at driver load time, and can typically not be
altered from user space.
Buffer management is not the only asynchronous activity: a running
acquisition must eventually be stopped too, or it must be started after
the a4l_command() function call has prepared (but not started) the
hardware for the acquisition. The command functionality is very
configurable with respect to choosing which events will signal the
starting or stopping of the programmed acquisition: external triggers,
internal triggers, end of scan interrupts, timers, etc. The user of the
driver can execute a Analogy instruction that sends a trigger signal to
the device driver. What the driver does exactly with this trigger signal
is determined in the specific driver. For example, it starts or stops
the ongoing acquisition. The execution of the event associated with this
trigger instruction is synchronous with the execution of the trigger
instruction in the device driver, but it is asynchronous with respect to
the instruction or command that initiated the current acquisition.
Typically, there is one synchronous triggering instruction for each
subdevice. Note that software triggering is only relevant for commands,
and not for instructions: instructions are executed synchronously in the
sense that the instruction call blocks until the whole instruction has
finished. The command call, on the other hand, activates an acquisition
and returns before this acquisition has finished. So, the software
trigger works asynchronously for the ongoing acquisition.
Acquisitions and real-time
Thanks to RTDM, Analogy provides its services to both real-time and non
real-time processes. Here, we will try to define the benefits of using
an RT task with Analogy. We hope you will find it useful to find out
your real needs.
Let's start with an obvious point, Analogy displays the same features
range in RT and NRT mode. So, there is no drawback at using real time
According to the chosen acquisition mode (synchronous or asynchronous),
Xenomai brings different advantages.
Synchronous acquistions
As told earlier, an acquisition instruction is implemented thanks to a
syscall (ioctl) which will select the suitable instruction handler in
the driver space. This handler is made available by the driver and it is
in charge of performing the whole acquisiton (configuration + trigger +
data transfer). The acquistion completes with the syscall return from
kernel space.
In this case, if the acquisition task runs in primary mode (managed by
Xenomai's shceduler), the syscall management will not suffer of
unexpected preemption from Linux. So, the whole execution of the
instruction execution will be as determinist as Xenomai allows it. For
instance, if you want the instruction to be performed every 200
micro-seconds with an accuracy of +/- 20 micro-seconds, you can safely
rely on Xenomai services; with Linux, you have to consider that the
accuracy criteria will be broken sometimes.
Asynchronous acquisitions
The acquistion is performed in two major steps: firstly configure and
trigger the acquisition and secondly transfer the acquired data.
For the first steps (configure and trigger), Xenomai will provide a
better determinism than Linux does; so, for instance, if you want the
trigger operation to be performed every 200 micro- seconds with an
accuracy of +/- 20 micro-seconds, you can safely rely on Xenomai
services; with Linux, you have to consider that the accuracy criteria
will be broken sometimes.
For the second step (transfer), the better determinism provided by
Xenomai can ensure you that no buffer overflow / underflow will happen.
Xenomai will handle the DAQ device's interrupts in bounded delays, so
the buffer evolution will be closely managed. Consequently, Xenomai can
allow you to allocate smaller transfer buffers. |