Getting the Xenomai code
All the repositories the project maintains can be viewed
http://git.xenomai.org/[at this address].
The current Xenomai development takes place into the
http://git.xenomai.org/xenomai-3.git/[xenomai-3 repository].
Users running Xenomai in
link:Home#How_does_Xenomai_deliver_real_Time[dual kernel] mode
can find detailed information about the
link:Getting_The_I_Pipe_Patch[I-pipe development trees].
== Xenomai-3 development tree
- the _master_ branch tracks the development HEAD toward the next
major release (currently heading to 3.1). This branch is never
- the _next_ branch tracks the latest commits pending merge into the
_master_ branch, it contains the most bleeding edge work. This
branch *may be rebased* until it gets merged into the _master_
branch eventually.
- _stable-*_ branches track updates to stable releases, such as
stable-3.0.x which is the maintenance branch for the v3.0 major
release. Those branches are never rebased.
== Download areas
We issue self-contained source code distributions of the Xenomai code
base, both for the link:/downloads/xenomai/stable/latest/[latest
stable release], and the
link:/downloads/xenomai/testing/latest/[current testing release]. |