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-  security:
      - Add optional CMS single signer verification

- general:
      - BUG: buffer overflow with semantic version > 50
      - Functions to detect automatically rootfs

- License:
      - Completed REUSE compliant

- handlers:
      - diskpart : fixes, hybrid partitions, device lock force mode, partuuid support
      - Delta Update
      - Fix rawcopy as script handler
      - MTD: erase sectors instead of whole device

- Lua :
      - Fix, support for Luajit recovered.
      - New function (version and getroot)

- Webserver:
      - fix progress bar in browser
- doc:
      - Improved documentation for building with Yocto
      - Best practise
      - Fixes

- ipc:
      - add status streaming support

- fixes :
      -  fix defects reported by coverity
- ci:
      - switch from Travis to gitlab

Just run git log -M 2021.04..2021.11 for full Changelog