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  • Jan Kiszka's avatar
    cobalt/kernel: Generate cobalt_syscalls and cobalt_sysmodes · a9c52359
    Jan Kiszka authored and Philippe Gerum's avatar Philippe Gerum committed
    Avoid that information has to be provided multiple times, specifically
    the sensitive syscall modes. For that purpose, both entry points and
    modes are picked up by a script from COBALT_SYSCALL macros in all
    kernel/cobalt/posix/*.c files. These are translated into entries for
    both tables and filled into a generated header. syscall.c can then
    include the header and use the accumulating macros __COBALT_CALL_ENTRIES
    and __COBALT_CALL_MODES in its table definitions.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJan Kiszka <>