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  • Philippe Gerum's avatar
    evl/poll: limit clear_wait() to the active watchpoint range · 387050d3
    Philippe Gerum authored
    Several factors may cause the active watchpoint count to be lesser
    than the poll table size as a result of collecting events:
    - a stale file descriptor is encountered (-EBADF)
    - bad user memory is written to while copying back evl_poll_event (-EFAULT)
    - the user event set has fewer entries than the ready set (> 0)
    In all of these cases, we may end up watching fewer files than the
    total amount of items in the poll table, in which case
    is larger than the actual number of active watchpoints.
    For this reason, clear_wait() cannot iterate over
    items, but should rather consider the active watchpoints only. To this
    end, introduce which is set by collect_events()
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPhilippe Gerum <>