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Makefile 81.3 KiB
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$(dt_h): $(srctree)/Makefile FORCE
	$(call filechk,dt.h)

$(defaultenv_h): $(CONFIG_DEFAULT_ENV_FILE:"%"=%) FORCE
	$(call filechk,defaultenv.h)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Devicetree files

ifneq ($(wildcard $(srctree)/arch/$(SRCARCH)/boot/dts/),)
dtstree := arch/$(SRCARCH)/boot/dts

ifneq ($(dtstree),)

%.dtb: prepare3 scripts_dtc
	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$(dtstree) $(dtstree)/$@

PHONY += dtbs dtbs_install
dtbs: prepare3 scripts_dtc
	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$(dtstree)

	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(dtbinst)=$(dtstree)


# Check dtc and pylibfdt, if DTC is provided, else build them
PHONY += scripts_dtc
scripts_dtc: scripts_basic
	$(Q)if test "$(DTC)" = "$(DTC_INTREE)"; then \
		$(MAKE) $(build)=scripts/dtc; \
	else \
		if ! $(DTC) -v >/dev/null; then \
			echo '*** Failed to check dtc version: $(DTC)'; \
			false; \
		else \
			if test "$(call dtc-version)" -lt $(DTC_MIN_VERSION); then \
				echo '*** Your dtc is too old, please upgrade to dtc $(DTC_MIN_VERSION) or newer'; \
				false; \
			else \
				if [ -n "$(CONFIG_PYLIBFDT)" ]; then \
					if ! echo "import libfdt" | $(PYTHON3) 2>/dev/null; then \
						echo '*** pylibfdt does not seem to be available with $(PYTHON3)'; \
						false; \
					fi; \
				fi; \
			fi; \
		fi; \
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
quiet_cmd_cpp_lds = LDS     $@
cmd_cpp_lds = $(CPP) -Wp,-MD,$(depfile) $(cpp_flags) $(LDPPFLAGS) \
		-D__ASSEMBLY__ -x assembler-with-cpp -std=c99 -P -o $@ $< $(LDSCRIPT) prepare FORCE
	$(call if_changed_dep,cpp_lds)
spl/u-boot-spl-dtb.bin: spl/u-boot-spl

spl/u-boot-spl-dtb.hex: spl/u-boot-spl

spl/u-boot-spl: tools prepare $(if $(CONFIG_SPL_OF_CONTROL),dts/dt.dtb)
	$(Q)$(MAKE) obj=spl -f $(srctree)/scripts/Makefile.spl all
spl/sunxi-spl.bin: spl/u-boot-spl

spl/sunxi-spl-with-ecc.bin: spl/sunxi-spl.bin

spl/u-boot-spl.sfp: spl/u-boot-spl
tpl/u-boot-tpl.bin: tpl/u-boot-tpl
tpl/u-boot-tpl: tools prepare $(if $(CONFIG_TPL_OF_CONTROL),dts/dt.dtb)
	$(Q)$(MAKE) obj=tpl -f $(srctree)/scripts/Makefile.spl all

vpl/u-boot-vpl.bin: vpl/u-boot-vpl

vpl/u-boot-vpl: tools prepare $(if $(CONFIG_TPL_OF_CONTROL),dts/dt.dtb)
	$(Q)$(MAKE) obj=vpl -f $(srctree)/scripts/Makefile.spl all

TAG_SUBDIRS := $(patsubst %,$(srctree)/%,$(u-boot-dirs) include)
		ctags -w -o ctags `$(FIND) $(FINDFLAGS) $(TAG_SUBDIRS) \
						-name '*.[chS]' -print`
		ln -s ctags tags
Wolfgang Denk's avatar
Wolfgang Denk committed

		etags -a -o etags `$(FIND) $(FINDFLAGS) $(TAG_SUBDIRS) \
						-name '*.[chS]' -print`
Li Yang's avatar
Li Yang committed
		$(FIND) $(FINDFLAGS) $(TAG_SUBDIRS) -name '*.[chS]' -print > \
		@find $(TAG_SUBDIRS) -name '*.[chS]' -type l -print | \
			grep -xvf - cscope.files >; \
		mv cscope.files
Li Yang's avatar
Li Yang committed
		cscope -b -q -k
Wolfgang Denk's avatar
Wolfgang Denk committed

		$(NM) $1 | \
Wolfgang Denk's avatar
Wolfgang Denk committed
		grep -v '\(compiled\)\|\(\.o$$\)\|\( [aUw] \)\|\(\.\.ng$$\)\|\(LASH[RL]DI\)' | \
		LC_ALL=C sort	u-boot
		@$(call SYSTEM_MAP,$<) > $@
Wolfgang Denk's avatar
Wolfgang Denk committed


# ARM relocations should all be R_ARM_RELATIVE (32-bit) or
# R_AARCH64_RELATIVE (64-bit).
checkarmreloc: u-boot
	@RELOC="`$(CROSS_COMPILE)readelf -r -W $< | cut -d ' ' -f 4 | \
		grep R_A | sort -u`"; \
	if test "$$RELOC" != "R_ARM_RELATIVE" -a \
		 "$$RELOC" != "R_AARCH64_RELATIVE"; then \
		echo "$< contains unexpected relocations: $$RELOC"; \
		false; \
tools/version.h: include/version.h
envtools: u-boot-initial-env scripts_basic $(version_h) $(timestamp_h) tools/version.h
	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=tools/env
tools-only: export TOOLS_ONLY=y
tools-only: scripts_basic $(version_h) $(timestamp_h) tools/version.h
tools-all: export HOST_TOOLS_ALL=y
tools-all: envtools tools ;
cross_tools: export CROSS_BUILD_TOOLS=y
cross_tools: tools ;

	git log --no-merges U-Boot-1_1_5.. | \
	unexpand -a | sed -e 's/\s\s*$$//' > $@
Wolfgang Denk's avatar
Wolfgang Denk committed

# Cleaning is done on three levels.
# make clean     Delete most generated files
#                Leave enough to build external modules
# make mrproper  Delete the current configuration, and all generated files
# make distclean Remove editor backup files, patch leftover files and the like

# Directories & files removed with 'make clean'
	       $(foreach d, spl tpl vpl, $(patsubst %,$d/%, \
			$(filter-out include, $(shell ls -1 $d 2>/dev/null))))
CLEAN_FILES += include/* include/bmp_logo.h include/bmp_logo_data.h \
	       include/config.h include/generated/env.* drivers/video/u_boot_logo.S \
	       tools/version.h u-boot* MLO* SPL fit-dtb.blob* \
	       u-boot-ivt.img.log u-boot-dtb.imx.log SPL.log u-boot.imx.log \
	       lpc32xx-* bl31.c bl31.elf bl31_*.bin tispl.bin* \
	       idbloader.img flash.bin flash.log defconfig keep-syms-lto.c \
	       mkimage-out.spl.mkimage mkimage.spl.mkimage \ mkimage-out.rom.mkimage \
	       mkimage.rom.mkimage mkimage-in-simple-bin* simple-bin* \
	       idbloader-spi.img lib/efi_loader/helloworld_efi.S *.itb

# Directories & files removed with 'make mrproper'
MRPROPER_DIRS  += include/config include/generated spl tpl vpl \
		  .tmp_objdiff doc/output include/asm

# Remove include/asm symlink created by U-Boot before v2014.01
MRPROPER_FILES += .config .config.old include/* include/config.h \
		  ctags etags tags TAGS cscope* GPATH GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS \
		  drivers/video/fonts/*.S include/asm

# clean - Delete most, but leave enough to build external modules
clean: rm-dirs  := $(CLEAN_DIRS)
clean: rm-files := $(CLEAN_FILES)

clean-dirs	:= $(foreach f,$(u-boot-alldirs),$(if $(wildcard $(srctree)/$f/Makefile),$f))
Tom Rini's avatar
Tom Rini committed
clean-dirs      := $(addprefix _clean_, $(clean-dirs))

PHONY += $(clean-dirs) clean archclean
	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(clean)=$(patsubst _clean_%,%,$@)

clean: $(clean-dirs)
	$(call cmd,rmdirs)
	$(call cmd,rmfiles)
		\( -name '*.[oas]' -o -name '*.ko' -o -name '.*.cmd' \
		-o -name '*.ko.*' -o -name '*.su' -o -name '*.pyc' \
		-o -name '*.dtb' -o -name '*.dtbo' \
		-o -name '*.dtb.S' -o -name '*.dtbo.S' \
		-o -name '.*.d' -o -name '.*.tmp' -o -name '*.mod.c' \
		-o -name '*.lex.c' -o -name '*.tab.[ch]' \
		-o -name '*.asn1.[ch]' \
		-o -name '*.symtypes' -o -name 'modules.order' \
		-o -name modules.builtin -o -name '.tmp_*.o.*' \
		-o -name 'dsdt_generated.aml' -o -name 'dsdt_generated.asl.tmp' \
		-o -name 'dsdt_generated.c' \
		-o -name '*.efi' -o -name '*.gcno' -o -name '*.so' \) \
		-type f -print | xargs rm -f

# mrproper - Delete all generated files, including .config
mrproper: rm-dirs  := $(wildcard $(MRPROPER_DIRS))
mrproper: rm-files := $(wildcard $(MRPROPER_FILES))
mrproper-dirs      := $(addprefix _mrproper_,scripts)
Wolfgang Denk's avatar
Wolfgang Denk committed

PHONY += $(mrproper-dirs) mrproper archmrproper
	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(clean)=$(patsubst _mrproper_%,%,$@)

mrproper: clean $(mrproper-dirs)
	$(call cmd,rmdirs)
	$(call cmd,rmfiles)

# distclean
PHONY += distclean
	@find $(srctree) $(RCS_FIND_IGNORE) \
		\( -name '*.orig' -o -name '*.rej' -o -name '*~' \
		-o -name '*.bak' -o -name '#*#' -o -name '.*.orig' \
		-o -name '.*.rej' -o -name '*%' -o -name 'core' \
		-o -name '*.pyc' \) \
		-type f -print | xargs rm -f
	@rm -f boards.cfg CHANGELOG
Wolfgang Denk's avatar
Wolfgang Denk committed

# See doc/develop/python_cq.rst
PHONY += pylint pylint_err
PYLINT_BASE := scripts/pylint.base
PYLINT_CUR := pylint.cur
PYLINT_DIFF := pylint.diff
	$(Q)echo "Running pylint on all files (summary in $(PYLINT_CUR); output in pylint.out/)"
	$(Q)mkdir -p pylint.out
	$(Q)rm -f pylint.out/out*
	$(Q)find tools test -name "*.py" \
		| xargs -n1 -P$(shell nproc 2>/dev/null || echo 1) \
			sh -c 'pylint --reports=y --exit-zero -f parseable --ignore-imports=yes $$@ > pylint.out/$$(echo $$@ | tr / _ | sed s/.py//)' _
	$(Q)rm -f $(PYLINT_CUR)
	$(Q)( cd pylint.out; for f in *; do \
		sed -ne "s/Your code has been rated at \([-0-9.]*\).*/$$f \1/p" $$f; \
	done ) | sort > $(PYLINT_CUR)
	$(Q)base=$$(mktemp) cur=$$(mktemp); cut -d' ' -f1 $(PYLINT_BASE) >$$base; \
		cut -d' ' -f1 $(PYLINT_CUR) >$$cur; \
		comm -3 $$base $$cur > $(PYLINT_DIFF); \
		if [ -s $(PYLINT_DIFF) ]; then \
			echo "Files have been added/removed. Try:\n\tcp $(PYLINT_CUR) $(PYLINT_BASE)"; \
			echo; \
			echo "Added files:"; \
			comm -13 $$base $$cur; \
			echo; \
			echo "Removed files:"; \
			comm -23 $$base $$cur; \
			false; \
		else \
			rm $$base $$cur $(PYLINT_DIFF); \
	$(Q)bad=false; while read base_file base_val <&3 && read cur_file cur_val <&4; do \
		if awk "BEGIN {exit !($$cur_val < $$base_val)}"; then \
			echo "$$base_file: Score was $$base_val, now $$cur_val"; \
			bad=true; fi; \
		done 3<$(PYLINT_BASE) 4<$(PYLINT_CUR); \
		if $$bad; then \
			echo "Some files have regressed, please fix"; \
			false; \
		else \
			echo "No pylint regressions"; \

# Check for errors only
	$(Q)pylint -E  -j 0 --ignore-imports=yes \
		$(shell find tools test -name "*.py")

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Wolfgang Denk committed
	F=`basename $(srctree)` ; cd .. ; \
	gtar --force-local -zcvf `LC_ALL=C date "+$$F-%Y-%m-%d-%T.tar.gz"` $$F
Wolfgang Denk's avatar
Wolfgang Denk committed

PHONY += _pip pip pip_release

pip_release: PIP_ARGS="--real"
pip_test: PIP_ARGS=""
pip: PIP_ARGS="-n"

pip pip_test pip_release: _pip

	scripts/ u_boot_pylib ${PIP_ARGS}
	scripts/ patman ${PIP_ARGS}
	scripts/ buildman ${PIP_ARGS}
	scripts/ dtoc ${PIP_ARGS}
	scripts/ binman ${PIP_ARGS}
	@echo  '  clean		  - Remove most generated files but keep the config'
	@echo  '  mrproper	  - Remove all generated files + config + various backup files'
	@echo  '  distclean	  - mrproper + remove editor backup and patch files'
	@echo  ''
	@echo  'Configuration targets:'
	@$(MAKE) -f $(srctree)/scripts/kconfig/Makefile help
	@echo  ''
	@echo  'Test targets:'
	@echo  ''
	@echo  '  check           - Run all automated tests that use sandbox'
	@echo  '  pcheck          - Run quick automated tests in parallel'
	@echo  '  qcheck          - Run quick automated tests that use sandbox'
	@echo  '  tcheck          - Run quick automated tests on tools'
	@echo  '  pylint          - Run pylint on all Python files'
	@echo  'Other generic targets:'
	@echo  '  all		  - Build all necessary images depending on configuration'
	@echo  '  tests		  - Build U-Boot for sandbox and run tests'
	@echo  '* u-boot	  - Build the bare u-boot'
	@echo  '  dir/            - Build all files in dir and below'
	@echo  '  dir/file.[oisS] - Build specified target only'
	@echo  '  dir/file.lst    - Build specified mixed source/assembly target only'
	@echo  '                    (requires a recent binutils and recent build ('
	@echo  '  tags/ctags	  - Generate ctags file for editors'
	@echo  '  etags		  - Generate etags file for editors'
	@echo  '  cscope	  - Generate cscope index'
	@echo  '  ubootrelease	  - Output the release version string (use with make -s)'
	@echo  '  ubootversion	  - Output the version stored in Makefile (use with make -s)'
	@echo  "  cfg		  - Don't build, just create the .cfg files"
	@echo  "  envtools	  - Build only the target-side environment tools"
	@echo  'PyPi / pip targets:'
	@echo  '  pip             - Check building of PyPi packages'
	@echo  '  pip_test        - Build PyPi pakages and upload to test server'
	@echo  '  pip_release     - Build PyPi pakages and upload to release server'
	@echo  ''
	@echo  'Static analysers'
	@echo  '  checkstack      - Generate a list of stack hogs'
	@echo  '  coccicheck      - Execute static code analysis with Coccinelle'
	@echo  ''
	@echo  'Documentation targets:'
	@$(MAKE) -f $(srctree)/doc/Makefile dochelp
	@echo  ''
	@echo  '  make V=0|1 [targets] 0 => quiet build (default), 1 => verbose build'
	@echo  '  make V=2   [targets] 2 => give reason for rebuild of target'
	@echo  '  make O=dir [targets] Locate all output files in "dir", including .config'
	@echo  '  make C=1   [targets] Check all c source with $$CHECK (sparse by default)'
	@echo  '  make C=2   [targets] Force check of all c source with $$CHECK'
	@echo  '  make RECORDMCOUNT_WARN=1 [targets] Warn about ignored mcount sections'
	@echo  '  make W=n   [targets] Enable extra gcc checks, n=1,2,3 where'
	@echo  '		1: warnings which may be relevant and do not occur too often'
	@echo  '		2: warnings which occur quite often but may still be relevant'
	@echo  '		3: more obscure warnings, can most likely be ignored'
	@echo  '		Multiple levels can be combined with W=12 or W=123'
	@echo  ''
	@echo  'Execute "make" or "make all" to build all targets marked with [*] '
	@echo  'For further info see the ./README file'

	$(srctree)/test/run parallel

	$(srctree)/test/run quick

	$(srctree)/test/run tools

# Documentation targets
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
DOC_TARGETS := xmldocs latexdocs pdfdocs htmldocs epubdocs cleandocs \
	       linkcheckdocs dochelp refcheckdocs texinfodocs infodocs
$(DOC_TARGETS): scripts_basic FORCE
	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=doc $@
PHONY += checkstack ubootrelease ubootversion

	$(OBJDUMP) -d u-boot $$(find . -name u-boot-spl) | \
	$(PERL) $(src)/scripts/ $(ARCH)

	@echo "$(UBOOTVERSION)$$($(CONFIG_SHELL) $(srctree)/scripts/setlocalversion $(srctree))"


# Single targets
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Single targets are compatible with:
# - build with mixed source and output
# - build with separate output dir 'make O=...'
# - external modules
#  target-dir => where to store outputfile
#  build-dir  => directory in kernel source tree to use

ifeq ($(KBUILD_EXTMOD),)
        build-dir  = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $@))
        target-dir = $(dir $@)
        zap-slash=$(filter-out .,$(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $@)))
        build-dir  = $(KBUILD_EXTMOD)$(if $(zap-slash),/$(zap-slash))
        target-dir = $(if $(KBUILD_EXTMOD),$(dir $<),$(dir $@))

%.s: %.c prepare scripts FORCE
	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$(build-dir) $(target-dir)$(notdir $@)
%.i: %.c prepare scripts FORCE
	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$(build-dir) $(target-dir)$(notdir $@)
%.o: %.c prepare scripts FORCE
	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$(build-dir) $(target-dir)$(notdir $@)
%.lst: %.c prepare scripts FORCE
	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$(build-dir) $(target-dir)$(notdir $@)
%.s: %.S prepare scripts FORCE
	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$(build-dir) $(target-dir)$(notdir $@)
%.o: %.S prepare scripts FORCE
	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$(build-dir) $(target-dir)$(notdir $@)
%.symtypes: %.c prepare scripts FORCE
	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$(build-dir) $(target-dir)$(notdir $@)

# Modules
/: prepare scripts FORCE
%/: prepare scripts FORCE
%.ko: prepare scripts FORCE
	$(build)=$(build-dir) $(@:.ko=.o)
	$(Q)$(MAKE) -f $(srctree)/scripts/Makefile.modpost

quiet_cmd_genenv = GENENV  $@
cmd_genenv = \
	$(objtree)/tools/printinitialenv | \
	sed -e '/^\s*$$/d' | \
	sort -t '=' -k 1,1 -s -o $@
u-boot-initial-env: scripts_basic $(env_h) FORCE
	$(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=tools $(objtree)/tools/printinitialenv
	$(call if_changed,genenv)

# Consistency checks
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

PHONY += coccicheck

	$(Q)$(CONFIG_SHELL) $(srctree)/scripts/$@

# FIXME Should go into a make.lib or something
# ===========================================================================

quiet_cmd_rmdirs = $(if $(wildcard $(rm-dirs)),CLEAN   $(wildcard $(rm-dirs)))
      cmd_rmdirs = rm -rf $(rm-dirs)

quiet_cmd_rmfiles = $(if $(wildcard $(rm-files)),CLEAN   $(wildcard $(rm-files)))
      cmd_rmfiles = rm -f $(rm-files)

# read all saved command lines

cmd_files := $(wildcard .*.cmd)

ifneq ($(cmd_files),)
  $(cmd_files): ;	# Do not try to update included dependency files
  include $(cmd_files)

endif    #ifeq ($(config-targets),1)
endif    #ifeq ($(mixed-targets),1)
endif	# skip-makefile


# Declare the contents of the PHONY variable as phony.  We keep that
# information in a variable so we can use it in if_changed and friends.