Add plumbing for building U-Boot with Link Time Optimizations. When building with LTO, $(PLATFORM_LIBS) has to be in --whole-archive / --no-whole-archive group, otherwise some functions declared in assembly may not be resolved and linking may fail. Note: clang may throw away linker list symbols it thinks are unused when compiling with LTO. To force these symbols to be included, we refer to them via the __ADDRESSABLE macro in a C file generated from compiled built-in.o files before linking. Signed-off-by:
Marek Behún <marek.behun@nic.cz> Reviewed-by:
Simon Glass <sjg@chromium.org>
Add plumbing for building U-Boot with Link Time Optimizations. When building with LTO, $(PLATFORM_LIBS) has to be in --whole-archive / --no-whole-archive group, otherwise some functions declared in assembly may not be resolved and linking may fail. Note: clang may throw away linker list symbols it thinks are unused when compiling with LTO. To force these symbols to be included, we refer to them via the __ADDRESSABLE macro in a C file generated from compiled built-in.o files before linking. Signed-off-by:
Marek Behún <marek.behun@nic.cz> Reviewed-by:
Simon Glass <sjg@chromium.org>