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  • Mario Six's avatar
    tpm: Add function to load keys via their parent's SHA1 hash · 0f4b2ba1
    Mario Six authored and Simon Glass's avatar Simon Glass committed
    If we want to load a key into a TPM, we need to know the designated parent
    key's handle, so that the TPM is able to insert the key at the correct place in
    the key hierarchy.
    However, if we want to load a key whose designated parent key we also
    previously loaded ourselves, we first need to memorize this parent key's handle
    (since the handles for the key are chosen at random when they are inserted into
    the TPM). If we are, however, unable to do so, for example if the parent key is
    loaded into the TPM during production, and its child key during the actual
    boot, we must find a different mechanism to identify the parent key.
    To solve this problem, we add a function that allows U-Boot to load a key into
    the TPM using their designated parent key's SHA1 hash, and the corresponding
    auth data.
    Signed-off-by: Mario Six's avatarMario Six <>
    Reviewed-by: Simon Glass's avatarSimon Glass <>