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  • Jonas Karlman's avatar
    rockchip: Migrate to use DM_USB_GADGET on RK3328 · 1bc4e8eb
    Jonas Karlman authored and Kever Yang's avatar Kever Yang committed
    USB gadget is not working fully as expected on RK3328, it uses a
    board_usb_init() function to initialize the DWC2 OTG port.
    The board_usb_init() function does not intgrate with the generic phy
    framework and as a result the USB phy is not properly configured before
    or after USB gadget use.
    Having both USB_DWC2 and DWC2_OTG enabled for the same board is also
    causing some issues.
    Trying to use rockusb or ums command after usb stop result in a freeze
    due to usb stop is putting the phy in a suspended state.
      => usb start
      => usb stop
      => ums 0 mmc 0
      --> freeze due to usb phy is suspended <--
    Fix this by only using one of USB_DWC2 (host) or DWC2_OTG (peripheral)
    depending on the most likely usage of the otg port and by migrating to
    use DM_USB_GADGET instead of a board_usb_init() function.
    The nanopi-r2 and orangepi-r1-plus variants share OTG and power using a
    Type-C connector, mark these boards dr_mode as peripheral, the most
    likely usage is for recovery and image download.
    The rock64 and roc-cc currently use dr_mode as host, remove the DWC2_OTG
    driver from these boards to ensure that the USB_DWC2 driver is used.
    The rock-pi-e board does not enable the usb20_otg node so both USB_DWC2
    and DWC2_OTG is removed from this board.
    Enable RockUSB and UMS on all boards with a otg port in peripheral mode.
    Also with the migration to DM_USB_GADGET completed the U-Boot specific
    change to reorder usb nodes in the soc device tree can be reverted.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJonas Karlman <>
    Reviewed-by: Kever Yang's avatarKever Yang <>