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  • Simon Glass's avatar
    log: Add a way to log error-return values · 3707c6ee
    Simon Glass authored
    When functions return an error it propagates up the stack to the point
    where it is reported. Often the error code provides enough information
    about the root cause of the error that this is obvious what went wrong.
    However in some cases the error may be hard to trace. For example if a
    driver uses several devices to perform an operation, it may not be
    obvious which one failed.
    Add a log_ret() macro to help with this. This can be used to wrap any
    error-return value. The logging system will then output a log record when
    the original error is generated, making it easy to trace the call stack
    of the error.
    This macro can significantly impact code size, so its use is controlled
    by a Kconfig option, which is enabled for sandbox.
    Signed-off-by: Simon Glass's avatarSimon Glass <>