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  • Tom Rini's avatar
    Merge branch '2022-04-25-initial-implementation-of-stdboot' · 8cfac237
    Tom Rini authored
    To quote the author:
    The bootflow feature provide a built-in way for U-Boot to automatically
    boot an Operating System without custom scripting and other customisation.
    This is called 'standard boot' since it provides a standard way for
    U-Boot to boot a distro, without scripting.
    It introduces the following concepts:
       - bootdev - a device which can hold a distro
       - bootmeth - a method to scan a bootdev to find bootflows (owned by
       - bootflow - a description of how to boot (owned by the distro)
    This series provides an implementation of these, enabled to scan for
    bootflows from MMC, USB and Ethernet. It supports the existing distro
    boot as well as the EFI loader flow (bootefi/bootmgr). It works
    similiarly to the existing script-based approach, but is native to
    With this we can boot on a Raspberry Pi 3 with just one command:
       bootflow scan -lb
    which means to scan, listing (-l) each bootflow and trying to boot each
    one (-b). The final patch shows this.
    With a standard way to identify boot devices, booting become easier. It
    also should be possible to support U-Boot scripts, for backwards
    compatibility only.
    The design is described in these two documents: