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  • Quentin Schulz's avatar
    rockchip: ringneck-px30: put STM32_RST line in input mode instead of output · 73d72107
    Quentin Schulz authored and Kever Yang's avatar Kever Yang committed
    The STM32_RST line is routed to the ATtiny microcontroller
    PA0/RESET/UPDI pin. By driving the PX30 SoC pin as GPIO output high, we
    prevent external UPDI to be used for flashing without first putting this
    pin as GPIO input, an extra step we could avoid in userspace.
    There's an external hardware pull-up strong enough to keep the STM32_RST
    state high on ATtiny side but weak enough it can be overridden by
    external UPDI. This also means it is safe to use for the STM32 variant,
    where STM32_RST line will be in the same state as if output high was
    The Q7 standard specifies that MFG_NC1 and MFG_NC2 (used for UPDI for
    Ringneck) pins should neither be driven by the carrierboard, nor have
    pull-up or pull-down resistors. This means this commit is safe to use
    regardless of the carrierboard this module would be connected to
    (provided it follows the Q7 standard).
    Fixes: 6acdd63e ("rockchip: ringneck-px30: always reset STM32 companion...